Services Overview
We provide a broad range of services including:-
- Skin checks and treatment for solar damage and skin cancers, with medications, freeze therapy (cryotherapy) or surgical removal
- Specialist referral to a wide range of expert consultants
- Smoking Cessation- QUIT Program, assistance with drug and alcohol dependence
- Minor surgical procedures ,wound review and dressings
- Child health checks and childhood vaccinations
- Adult vaccinations
- Weight loss
- Women’s Health
- Iron Infusions
- Cervical Screening
- Implanon Insertion
- Pregnancy Planning and Conception
- Menopause symptom management
- Lymphoedema care
Chronic Disease Management
Chronic diseases include conditions that are ongoing such as asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal conditions and stroke.
We can offer a co-ordinated, structured, team approach to better manage chronic diseases.
Diabetes Clinic
Dedicated clinic for patients with diabetes and those at high risk of developing diabetes:-
- Diet and lifestyle advice
- Medication management
- Health checks
- Weight loss assistance
Heart & Lung Clinic
We have a dedicated clinic to help those with heart disease and respiratory illnesses:-
- Asthma reviews and action plans
- Assistance to quit smoking
- Screen and referal for sleep disorders
- Emphysema and COPD
- Ischaemic heart disease
- Heart failure
Travel Medicine
We provide medical advice for those planning to travel overseas:-
- Vaccinations
- Health travel advice
Healthcare Assessments
Medicare subisdes a number of health assessments that you can take advantage of at our clinic. They include:-
- 45-49 year olds Health Assessments
- 40-49 year olds at risk of Type 2 Diabetes
- Over 75 Health Assessments
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults and children
- Permanent residents of aged care facilities
- People with an intellectual disability